My Early History With Games!
As mentioned before, I'm a huge gamer. Quite the young gamer too, as my father had given me an original Xbox at the ripe age of 3 years old. Yes, that was way too young. Nonetheless, I'm really happy that he ended up doing so. With it, I got two games that truly helped shape me into the boy who I am today. They were: Need for Speed Underground and SSX3. Naturally, being into cars even back then, I immediately played Need for Speed first.
But the Xbox wasn't the only console I had. When I turned 4 or 5 years old, I received the good old Wii for my birthday. A funny thing, though, was that I can vividly remember not wanting a Wii, finding the need to use a remote kind of weird and stupid. Thankfully, approximately 5 seconds after trying out the Wii, I changed my mind. The Wii, to this day, is one of my favorite consoles of all time. The games I got with it were Monster 4x4 World Circuit and Wii Sports, with Wii Play coming not too long after.
The next system I got wasn't a home console; instead, it was my very first handheld. Now, I did get into contact with handheld gaming before, I think. Or at least I must have. I don't really remember, sadly, as I was super young at the time, but I think I must have gotten in contact with Java games by now, but I digress. My first real handheld gaming device is a red DS Lite that I got from my grandma! It was world-shattering to be able to play DS and even Game Boy Advance games on the go! That said, I sadly do not know what my first DS games were, most likely just some licensed shit, but I do remember my dad and I learning about the good old R4 card very quickly and ordering one for Sinterklaas (A Dutch holiday). I do actually still have my ROM list from that time, which I'll reveal someday.
Sadly from here on out things get blurry. I'll be sure to update this page as I formulate more of my history. I do hope to eventually make this have a full on time line of my gaming history, but that will be made over time. For now I want to direct you to the left sidebar which will get updated with content relating to specific game series as well as shrines for certain games or characters from games!